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Wumpus-Gollum-Forum von "Welt der Radios".
Fachforum für Sammler, Interessierte, Bastler
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* VE301dyn
01.10.06 17:14


01.10.06 17:14


* VE301dyn

VE301 Dyn , 18 Feb. 2006 20:35

I am repairing one of these that looks to be original so I am confused about this.

It seems this radio has an original looking red wire from the mains switch which goes to the anode of the AF7. The diagram shows, as you would expect, the switch between the primary of the transformer and the neutral? Is there any reason why this wire should be correct? Thank you

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639 Beiträge
RE: VE301 Dyn , 18 Feb. 2006 21:34

Hello Peter,
I am not sure that I undestand your problem. A red isolated wire connected to the anode of the AF7 in direction to mains switch. This make no sence.

Perhaps a try to modify (with a wrong strategy) the set for operation on modern earthing contact power lines?

Temporary I am confused too.

Regards Rainer

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RE: VE301 Dyn , 19 Feb. 2006 10:39

Thank you for the reply.
Perhaps easiest is if anyone has one on the bench, they could attach a photo of where the switch wires should go.

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RE: VE301 Dyn , 19 Feb. 2006 13:38

Mystery solved.
The wire should go to the reaction condenser. I hope the valve is still alive!!


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RE: VE301 Dyn , 14 Apr. 2006 11:19

The bulb for this radio still works but is silver inside.
Is it supposed to be like this or is it 60 years of Edison effect?

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639 Beiträge
RE: VE301 Dyn , 14 Apr. 2006 17:12

You are really sure that the silver is inside the glass? When it is outside, it is the shielding.

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RE: VE301 Dyn , 16 Apr. 2006 17:26

99% sure it is inside. It looks pink, marked with 4V 0.6A

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639 Beiträge
RE: VE301 Dyn , 16 Apr. 2006 22:02

Hello Peter,
we are "talking" about the tube AF7 in working condition ? I have 14 tubes of this type in my private stock but no tube has a silver coat inside. But gettered tubes have a partiell silver coat inside, like a mirror surface. But these getter traces are not in pink. What manufacturer is noted of the tube?
When tubes loose the vacuum, in some cases you can see inside a white coat (milky), the tube is working?

Regards Rainer

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RE: VE301 Dyn , 17 Apr. 2006 20:35

Translation error! I was discussing the bulb which lights the tuning scale.

I have not tested the valves yet. Still need a replacement speaker or cone for my existing speaker before I can switch on

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