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Wumpus-Gollum-Forum von "Welt der Radios".
Fachforum für Sammler, Interessierte, Bastler
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Young Collector
13.02.15 23:17


13.02.15 23:17


Young Collector

Hi.my name is Stefano Leonardi and I write from Italy .

i'm 19 years old and I have a passion for obsolete technologies and now I’m really interested in television sets with valve technology .

I find very fascinating the first TV colors devices manufactured in Europe during the second half of the’60 and via internet I could see some photos of various models .

I especially like the first TVC manufactured by B & O , SABA , TELEFUNKEN , BLAUPUNKT , SIEMENS , GRUNDIG , NORDMENDE , GRAETZ , SCHAUB LORENZ , PHILIPS…if are they full of valves and more interest me.

Unfortunately I do not know how to get some equipment of this type...

Edited 13.02.15 23:19

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14.02.15 07:14

WGF-Nutzer Stufe 3

14.02.15 07:14

WGF-Nutzer Stufe 3

Re: Young Collector

Hello Stefano,

welcome to the forum! Here, we will help you. It is rather unusual that people of your age are interested in stuff like that. The only thing I have no answer for is where you could get an early color tv with tubes in Italy. Color tv broadcasting in Italy started around 1973, exactly when the tube era ended. My only idea is german ebay. I own around 20 color tube sets, but I collected them in the 1990ies whenr those things were thrown away. I got many of them for free or very little money, but beware, those days are definitely over!

What do you think about starting with black and white models? They are easier to get, also very interesting, often older with much more tubes and less complex, that means easier to repair.

That leads to an important question: How is your knowledge in electrics and radio electronics?

Best regards,

Stefan (without o)

collected   Collector   especially   TELEFUNKEN   technology   Unfortunately   interesting   electronics   manufactured   electrics   interested   fascinating   equipment   NORDMENDE   broadcasting   definitely   television   technologies   knowledge   important